
Wow! Such a lot has changed since I last posted on here.

Importantly, I'm still teaching Flute, Saxophone, Clarinet and Piano - all online via Zoom. This is working brilliantly as Zoom has some inbuilt settings you can use that mean the sound quality for instruments is good and the video quality is clear. I am finding that pupils are highly motivated, have extra time to practice and are really enjoying their weekly music lessons. I'm uploading videos, extra files and tips onto my Facebook pupil page and emailing out mp3 recordings of duet parts and accompaniments for pupils to enjoy playing along with at home - it's great to see the pupils grab a second device and show me how they can play along with my recording, they are always very proud (and so am I).

Sadly, of course, the Coronavirus Pandemic has meant all live meetings and performances have been cancelled or postponed, so I have no shows to perform in, really for the foreseeable future. Of course, I'll keep this page posted with updates once that situation changes.

Piccolissimo and Flautissimo continue to meet together, virtually of course, on Friday evenings. Due to us now meeting via Zoom we now welcome members from the North of England and Hungary, which is just wonderful. We'd love to welcome anyone new who'd like to join us wherever you are, please do ask if you'd like more details. We are aiming to potentially make our ensembles accessible to members who are not able to attend in person on Friday evenings in the future, so watch this space - exciting times!!

I've been using my time at home wisely and been attending the eFlute Festival as part of my Continuing Professional Development. This has been a month long festival with daily flute warm-ups, inspirational workshops from international flute artists, masterclasses, a Feldenkrais class, yoga, Lounge Concerts and much much more. It really has been fantastic and I'm really looking forward to relishing the last few days.

I think that's all my musical news for now, but please do contact me if you want to know any more or have any questions. I'm always happy to help.


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