I regularly play at St. Boniface for the Praise Together service on the 1st Sunday of every month at 10am. See website for further details: http://www.parishofchandlersford.org.uk/
I am playing for Centrestage Productions Youth Theatre's production from Monday 16th to Saturday 21st February 2008 at The Point in Eastleigh. Please see their website for more details: http://www.cpyt.com/
I am playing for Eastleigh Operatic and Musicals Society's next production of HMS Pinafore from Tuesday 18th to Saturday 22nd November. Please visit their website for details: http://www.eoms.hampshire.org.uk/
I am playing at the Autumn Fayre at St. Boniface Church on Saturday 8th November. The fayre starts at 10am and I will be playing my solo spot at 1.30pm. Look forward to seeing you there. Please visit website for further details: http://www.parishofchandlersford.org.uk/